Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21
Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21

Inter-College Ayurveda Youth Journalism Contest 2020/21

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Vedayu - Health with Ayurveda is a health and wellness magazine with Ayurveda at its core. Through its articles and publications, Vedayu aims to educate people on the benefits of this ancient science that can bring wellness and good health into everyone's life. Happy reading!

National Medical (Ayurveda) Youth Journalism Contest

National Medical (Ayurveda) Youth Journalism Contest aims to provide a platform to showcase some of the best teen journalism in the country in the field of Ayurveda and Medicine.

It is a great opportunity for the students across the country to participate in this contest and showcase their talent across various categories ranging from Medical Journalism to Articles and Essays.

Participants are required to first approach their college and seek their nomination from their respective colleges. It is mandatory that the participating college recommends the name of the participant. Articles from only such participants will be considered as valid. Participants and respective colleges will be provided a mail confirmation upon receipt of the entries.

We eagerly look forward to have a record participation this time!

For any additional information, please write to or call us on 9819283865 and we will get back to you. 

Important instruction for submitting application:

1. Participants college to intimate the list of participants via email to
2. Participants can then share their articles via email or Upload the article & submit the form

Important Information regarding the contest:

Contest Launch Date: 13 November 2020
Contest Deadline: 31 December 2020 @ 11:30pm
Winner Announcement Date: 15 February 2021
Award Ceremony: 15 March 2021 (Tentative)

Eligibility Criteria:

1. All students of Ayurveda can participate
2. Age limit of 18 - 26 years
3. PG students can also apply
4. This is a inter-college contest open across all colleges across the state
5. The organizing committee reserves the right to alter/ amend the eligibility at their own discretion  

General Rules  

  1. We require that all participants must be nominated by the respective colleges
  2. We are not accepting applications from participants who are not nominated by the respective colleges
  3. The participant needs to upload their article online or email it to us on
  4. Participant can also make a PDF of the printed work and upload it on this page along with the application form
  5. It is important that the judges must be able to read the article clearly to avoid disqualification.
  6. The event will be judged by eminent personalities from the industry. Both the judges panel and selection criteria will be published on the website along with the result announcement date in the interest of confidentiality and to avoid conflict of interest
  7. Judges have the right to move an entry from one category to a more appropriate category and the right not to make an award in any particular category.
  8. All participants will be informed of the results via email (provided in the application). No personal communication or contacts will be entertained
  9. The organizing committee reserves the right to modify the rules without any prior intimation to the participants  

Topics for submitting the articles are as below:

  • Ayurveda is ready for a future pandemic situation -Justify the statement. Discuss plan, approach and implementation module
  • Innovative Ayurveda products for the future markets- Discuss plan, approach and implementation module
  • Integrated Ayurveda approach - using a combination of ayurveda and other alternative practices and creating a success model - Discuss plan, approach and implementation module 

Why apply and what are the benefits of becoming a "Youth Journalist"? 

Ayurveda students around the country that are passionate for writing articles, posts and news stories can now become an Ayurveda Youth Journalist. You can write and post articles on general and technical topics related to Ayurveda and Health in general. Youths that become Youth Journalists are dedicated, talented, and can inspire thousands of other students every day. 

Being an Ayurveda Youth Journalist is a high honour and gives you many privileges and possibilities.  Only a few outstanding youths receive the possibility to operate as a journalist. Here you find a full list of benefits, advantages, and privileges of being an Ayurveda Youth Journalist:

  • Certificate: You receive an official journalist certificate, which proves your eligibility to report and your special position as youth journalist.
  • Journalist Platform: You will get access to the separate platform for journalists to increase your tools and productivity
  • Career Achievement: To become an Youth Journalist, you prove your skills and abilities as a journalist and an author. The journalist certificate will be a unique addition to your career and it will help you in the future.
  • National Groups: Youth Journalists have the possibility to promote and participate in International Youth Journals, to conduct local workshops, or to launch groups on writing and journalism in their schools, cities, or countries.
  • National Meetups: Regional and national meetups of youth journalists to meet, exchange, and collect ideas, can be arranged with the support of Vedayu Online platform
  • Videos and Podcast: Youth Journalists have the option to publish their stories in other formats, such as video or audio, to reach many people (e.g. interviews, broadcast, reports from certain regions). We will provide technical support to publish your idea through our online platform.
  • Featured Articles: The stories and articles of Youth Journalists have the possibility to be featured on the front page in the paper edition of Vedayu - Health with Ayurveda Magazine
  • Exclusive Events: Youth journalists can participate in several exclusive events and conferences. 
  • Recommendation Letters: If you are an active and passionate youth journalist, the editors of Vedayu - Health with Ayurveda Magazine are open to write recommendation letters for you, in order to honour your commitment.
  • Direct Contact and Experience Sharing: You will have a close contact with the Vedayu team and editors. This will enable you to post your article and also learn from the experience of the team members and editors
  • Journalists Award: Vedayu awards every year one youth journalist - the Best Journalists of the Year award in order to honour his/her commitment, active journalism and quality writing. Besides the journalist award, the winner will also be given special thank you notes and gifts for their achievements. This is a great honor to receive and will really help you in your future endevours! 

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